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by Elena Minor



About the Author

Elena Minor's work is informed by a basic curiosity about the mystery of language—the paradox of spaces and symbols—how we can never say what we really mean but keep trying anyway. Her fiction and poetry have been published in more than two dozen journals, including Jacket2, MAKE, Switchback, Shadowbox, RHINO, Mandorla, Hot Metal Bridge and Puerto del Sol. She’s a past first prize recipient of the Chicano/Latino Literary Prize, founding editor and publisher of PALABRA and a veteran arts administrator. She also teaches creative writing to high school students.



elena minor remembers the city as its traffic breaks,making gaps for words to stretch [collude] pop. Flows out of its limits into a great expanse, where contrasts bulwarking thought threaten to slide away. Her poems warm, uncoil, slither across the page; only to cycle back cold as a desert night. Corrientes de sangre, sendero seco. What’s left? Some rattling west. And this body wanting to confide in you: “bone breathe down.”

Krystin Dykstra