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Guardians of the Secret

by Lila Zemborain

Translated by Rosa Alcalá



About the Author

Lila Zemborain is an Argentine poet and critic who has lived in New York City since 1985. She is the author of the poetry collections Abrete sésamo debajo del agua (Buenos Aires: Último Reino, 1993), Usted (Último Reino, 1998), Guardianes del secreto (Buenos Aires: Tsé-Tsé, 2002), Malvas orquídeas del mar (Tsé-Tsé, 2004; published as Mauve Sea-Orchids [New York: Belladonna*, 2007]), Rasgado (Tsé-Tsé, 2006), and the chapbooks Ardores (Buenos Aires, 1989), and Pampa (Belladonna*, 2001). Lila Zemborain is the director and editor of the Rebel Road series, and the curator of the KJCC Poetry Series at New York University. She is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the M.F.A. in Creative Writing in Spanish of NYU. In 2006 she taught in the Summer Writing Program at Naropa University

Guardians of the Secret


Lila Zemborain‘s power subverts paper: her words turn pages into films of blurred or incomplete images. The references are specific, but what is happening remains stubbornly a question defying the definitive answer except for what a reader is moved to speculate… These poems’ secrets are within you.

Eileen Tabios